Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hey Sorry I'm Late...

Hey all sorry I've been so dodgey lately, but I'm Megatron! Well, anyway I was attending official spring break activities on Cybertron. I tell you what nothing beats a fem-bot when they've just been oiled! Whoot! "Hey baby, can you transform into a gun too? Because you are packing some serious heat!" Besides all the fun with the ladies I was all fucked up on energon. I did sooo many cube stands I almost barfed all over the dinobots, man those guys are idiots, I wish I had. Things almost got outta hand when Soundwave was jamming is toons too loud and the Cybertron cops had to break up the party. Dude I almost had to transform and show those wanna-be autobots what's up! It was pretty loud though I mean have you ever heard P-Diddy cranked so loud out of a tape-playing robot it would explode a human? It was off the hook! Anyway I'm back at base now and not looking forward to the work week. Catch you all later.

End Communication